Raku originated in Japan.
It has been an integral
part of the Zen Buddhist
tea ceremony for centuries.
Raku symbolizes nature:
running water,
rough stone,
the silhouette of a mountain crest.
Raku is shaped by hand
and shows traces of the tools
and the process that create it.
The firing method,
using a wood-burning kiln,
is traditional
and centuries-old.
The red-hot ceramics
are taken out of the kiln with tongs
and plunged into ice-cold water;
pieces which survive this process
are laced with cracks.
Connoisseurs treasure these highly,
as well as the soft tone produced
by striking the raku object
with a gentle tap.

Raku Ceramics of Cornelia Nagel
Raku Ceramics Seminars
2015 Exhibition
ZWEI WEGE Arbeiten auf Papier und Rakukeramik
Musikwelten Berlin | Germany
2013 Exhibition
Raku Ceramics by Cornelia NAGEL
Japanisch Deutsches Zentrum Berlin | Germany